Welcome to the CRGS Maths Wiki

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The CRGS Maths Wiki

This site is to help you learn maths either at home or in school. You can look at it whenever you want; it isn't blocked by the Lancashire Grid for Learning filter, so you should have no trouble accessing it. Any registered user can edit any page, except maybe a few special ones used for running the wiki. If you want to register, you

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So have fun and learn some maths!

Some guidelines:

  • Try to spell things correctly, or at least check things in a spellchecker after you've typed it.
  • Don't edit pages just for fun. If you edit them, make sure it's correcting something, or adding something.
  • Don't get rid of a page because you don't like it.
  • If you edit a page, use the box underneath to describe what changes you made to it.

Thank you for visting this great site. We all hope you enjoy it and learn many new things.

Love set 2 maths!

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